Saturday, 6 January 2007

A screech of elegance....

The Violin. A stretch of strings. And of wood carvings which compensate the loudness and screeching melody of music. By far, I like this instrument the most. The tendency of violinists like Vanessa Mae and the British quartet, BOND, oh yes i love their music; putting in their heart and soul in playing the magical music. Wintersun, Korobushka, Duel, Fuego, Caliente mix, Viva.
The songs mean alot to me. Lame or gay u may call it. But it's what i love! The music just seeps into my heart and changes my emotions and feelings. Sometimes, it can be a good mood'ing method. Anyways, It's the passion that these musicians show that makes me excited. Not in the crazy way. Sometimes i just close my eyes, and think about lots of imaginary things. Things which are happy! Sad....Depression most of the time,if i may say so myself. Being able to play is one thing. But listening and be inspired by it is much better. For a change,ive always thought of Rock music and Metal. But, it just doesn't go with me. Nor does Beethoven or others. Maybe cannon in D would. But i do love classical guitar.
Call me Classical if you must. I believe that music is one of the ties that could bind peace together in this world. Once again. Till then.

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