Monday, 19 October 2009


I know in life i've made promises that don't turn out. I know i've made promises that would've been wonderful if it came true!

But i still remember the promise, more like a life swear to make you two the most 'proudest' (if there's such a word) people. I've been carrying this promise of mine for two years now. And i'm not ready to give it up. No matter what comes in to interfere, I will never forget this one particular one. This one where I look forward to everyday of my life. The results will be ever great.

I will never give up. Never in a million milestone. There's just too much i've been through to give it all up. InsyaAllah, with what is in my heart, mind and soul. I pray to Allah so He would care and bless you as how you took care of me since I was a child. I have always looked up to you as my inspiration, my strength and my ever lasting love to go through everything in this world.

Don't worry too much. With the blessings of your Doa, InsyaAllah I will bring myself to where I promised myself to. InsyaAllah.

I love you both.

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