Saturday 18 October 2008

My Room

And as promised, photos of my new room :) Not much, but it's cosy and comfy!

And i miss them :(

Newly put-up collage of my loved ones. :)

Did a little something during my free time today :) printed the photos of them and put them up. hehehe. Anyways, the arrangement of my room wasn't originally like this. It used to be horrendous. With two tables facing 45 degrees to each other. Beside the window?! OMG.

Anyway, i've done lots of thinking..and help from my housemates, they helped in giving ideas as well ;)

Here's the current set up. Pardon the mess heheheh :P



I miss my family :'( So so much.



Nota Matahati said...

Bravo, your room is very neat! Hehe.

Hilmi Ramlan said...

hahaha tq tq.. :D

Anonymous said...

Hi Mi,yr room is just nice. Yeh, it's always missing fmly when u.r away fm them. I've xperienced it.

Hilmi Ramlan said...

Hi ma nani,

thank you :D doa2kan la emi berjaya yer..hehehe