Tuesday 28 October 2008

Lowepro Compudaypack bag pack.

The leaf green has arrived. Yes it has. Knocked on the door this morning. Received it (thanks to my awaken house mates) this chilly and cold morning.

The leaf green coloured LOWEPRO COMPUDAYPACK bag!! hahaha i LOVE it. Absolutely. Looked abit bigger than i thought. AT FIRST though. When i tried stuffing EVERYTHING in the bag, it was LIGHT! I didn't feel like there was any weight at all! I dont know how they do it, but. I love it. aahhahahah the picture below makes it look huge cause of the stuffing that's inside the bag initially given.

The bag cost me £55.00 and it was purchased through Amazon. It was a fantastic bargain because, i went to town(birmingham) and only saw this bag at £70.00 and above. Quite a bargain really :D

Cheers to the reviews that made me think positive hahha ;) and no Yamin, this isn't the surprise either. :P more to come soon!

Damn i've been shopping. Argh!

Hilmi R

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmmm....shopping sakan yer...~,~