Friday 3 October 2008

Hari Raya Photos!

As promised... the photos of this year's Hari Raya. ( not all..yet.. Dubai airport's internet sucks badly man..i cant say more..)

p.s: I didnt get the chance to celebrate last year. that's why i was SO excited!

oh btw, ma nani, i know ur reading this.. thanks alot :D luvvv u!!

Im currently in the Dubai International Airport @ 5am in the morning. Hahah waiting for my transit to Birmingham. Another 7 hours of pure ass pain pleasure :P

I've got to admit, when i left the official's gate in KLIA, i really wanted to cry and just fall down and not go back to the UK.

Then papa said 

" GO and grad in style, get your degree in flying colours! We'll wait for you"

Or something like that la the sound :P hehehe

But yes, i love my parents so much.

Oh and mama said: (in exact words! :P)

Dont forget ur prayers, ingat kitorang and kuatkan iman tu. She also said, dont follow ur lust when shopping in dubai later :P hahaha

I love my parents. heck... i love my family.. SO SO much.. i can barely care bout anything else now. Haih. Nevermind LAH. Every success comes with a price.

Like papa always say:

Things come with a price you have to pay. Consider them as 'risks' and 'sacrifices'. It could be money. Time. Or anything even.

I truly am missing my family so badly now. :'( My eyes were so teary when i was in the ERL. Luckily there wasn't anyone there. hahaha

Anyways, have to get up and shop at the duty free now.. :P hate me  hahahahhaa

lots of love everyone!

Hilmi - Dubai

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