Thursday 16 October 2008

The Challenge?

Ini Saya.

hilmi-autumn 08

Challenges come about every single day. And today, waiting for my new Western Digital MyBook is one of it. Argh!!!

I'm sorry, delusional as it sounds, i've been expecting it since last week! But anyway back to today.

Woke up early (yeah..right) this morning for class. Got ready and zoomed off for class.

In the bus, the kids were all talking like it's BAPAK dia punya. But then, i'd just rest on my iPod. Ahhhh life saver.

I think, i'm starting to lose my vocabs. Have you ever had that? I actually feel that, language somewhat hates me now. Especially English.

So yes, class. I had THS today. Was discussing the matters of censorship, identity and others in context of the internet and new technologies.

Very explicit but really interesting. Am suppose to find a topic regarding the matter of NEW TECHNOLOGIES by the 23rd. I haven't a clue of what to write on. Allah, help me please!

I'm stuck in between of realism and surrealism. How can u contradict one's self? hahahaha

Anyway, had lunch at the subway with Amar and Sneha today. Oh, Sneha is Amar's girlfriend.

Let me repeat that... girlfriend... awwwwww :P he's gonna kill me for this. hahaha

We had taken that chance to talk and got to the topic of traveling. hahaha london ! Aww i miss Kak DD. :( please come back?

Anyway, got back home right after. nothing much to do though. I'm just waiting for Asar prayers to come in. :) i might even watch a movie downstairs later on hehehe.

I have just GOT to go to the gym. Come on!! Where's the spirit?!

I've been so spontaneous and ambiguous. Argh!! Pair that with my loss of vocabs. Now that's a laugh.

Anyway, my new BFF or best friend forever is: FLICKR. Oh how i love photo pools. It just wants to make me SHOOT and SHOOT. Photographs that is.

Photography has entered my life, when i first held my first DSLR. It was an amazing revelation! :P courtesy, papa hehehhee he's so gonna grin when he reads this hahaha.

Anyhow, i'd love to write more but, i'm thinking of Karate Kid. maybe the second movie harharhar.

Oh football was amazing yesterday. The lads played really well. Abang Zul's heading back today. To Malaysia. Argh!!! Emi pun nak balik!!! :P

Soon hilmi. Soon.. maybe. hahhaha

Alrighty, gonna go now.


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