Wednesday 15 October 2008

Autumn dah sampai!!

Autumn Leaf - Editted

Autumn' knocking again. The red amber leaves falling off, one by one. Day by day. We count till the day they're gone. Again.

I love this season. The season, though COLD and CHILLY, i still love how nature compliments itself. How Allah has made us to enjoy this life with great beauty.

The leaves all tell me, it's gonna get colder pretty soon. :)

Today, i took the liberty to capture some photos of autumn behind my house. In the backyard :)

It was just pretty. Beautiful. The such.

Everyone else is gonna go to the park later on for football. I might just join them. Not for football mind you :P just for the fun of it hahahha

Anyways, tonight would be another night of research, mindmapping and lots of sketching for my FCUK brief. It's going 'not bad'. heheh insyaallah it'll all be great :) pray for me!!

Spoke to mama last night. Everything seems to be GREAT back home. Except for the fact, internet hasn't been on their side. Lighting's been hitting the area these few days. So they cant possibly connect to the internet. A victim has fallen. The iMac at home :( the screen's not turning on. Apparently, the processor's just fine! Well, that's what ilham claims. I hope he'll get that sorted soon.

Ok, they're calling me now, gonna go to the park!

Ayu thinks i need to get out more hahahha. Breathe the fresh air. Not the room air :P hahaha.

Anyway, i've re-arranged my room's interior. It looks brilliant now. It's more strategic and blabla :P will take a photo of it soon. :)

Till next time!


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