Thursday 19 February 2009


I've been really upset with myself. I haven't been up to what i was hoping. The commitments i made. I didn't REALLY follow them all haih. I was supposed to. But somehow i'm just not good at keeping at it. But i'll still try nonetheless. Perhaps mama was right all along. Discipline just isn't my thing. She knows it real well hehe.

Anyway, i've been having loads of fun with the iPhone. Especially with its applications. Shazam for example, lets me identify songs which are playing on the telly, radio or anywhere so long as i can get the iPhone to listen to it long/clear enough. Fantastic invention! hahahaha.

Anyways, i have to start 'changing' gears tomorrow. Leg's already hurting today too. The jog today must've triggered it. Perhaps a small dose of paracetamol or PANADOL might help ;)

Anyways, goodnight to all! I'm calling it early ;)


Ya Allah, I pray that you would strenghten my heart, soul and mind. And strenghten of my loved ones too. Bless us with what we need to get through our lives. I pray for inspiration, ideas, creativity and of your rahmat. Amin.



Ilham said...

barang baru lagi =.="....simpan duit untuk upgrade kereta neo lagi bagus tak =P

Hilmi Ramlan said...

wakakakaka... kereta neo? haha did u see the CPS? my goodness.. nasib baik kita buat body yg ni..kalau buruk je cps tu :P hehehe.

anyway, bila driving test?!

hmm nanti la..wait for me to come back..lagi 3 bulan je pon!