Friday 27 February 2009

Ideas Ideas

Im running out of it. Argh! I need inspiration. I need to sketch.. Yes.. that's what i need. This O2 brief is tougher than i thought. Though i only did 5% of what's to come. I have exactly 5 weeks to come up with something. Anything. Brilliant. Fantastic. Oh dear....

Anyway, Ayu helped me put up my so called 'notice' board. It's been turned to a photo place right after it was hung on the wall hahaha! Fantastic eh? hmm I thought i'd write about it. They've been my housemates for about half a year now. It's been great. It's been fantastic. I've learned so much. I hope i haven't been much of a problem to them. I know i did have some glitches. And a few major ones too i think. But i apologize. I'm still learning. heheh speaking of my immaturity hehe.

Here's the new camera i bought. It cost me 20 quids. It was well worth it. It was sold by the Disabled Photographers association. They did a good job in funding their organization through selling old and classic cameras.

The one Ayu is holding, is the PETRI FT. Built in the 70's, it was a high reckoning film SLR at that time. They said, it was even at par with NIKON. They were that good. But then, bankcruptcy took them down. And well, you know the story. Look up in wikipedia: PETRI. It should come up. A friend suggested : could it be a fake PENTAX brand?! laugh laugh. but it was as good as Nikon. You judge! haha. Anyways, i havent sent out the film for processing. Delighted to see what happened to my shots. Lol! Kinda annoying. But i'm enjoying a little traditional photography. :)

I really need to start doing work now. Laptop! Syooosh!! Just play iTunes.. and let me do my work.



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