Monday 9 February 2009

A new week


Tomorrow's my new semester in BIAD. A very important semester. This sem, we'll be doing our Special Interest Group and also other electives. This is where we start 'training' towards our careers. Sounds pretty scary the moment Clive talked about it during the assessment seminar. But i'm convinced insyaAllah, with much dedication and discipline, i'll be well on my way insyaAllah.

The family's on the flight back to Kuala Lumpur. They are scheduled to arrive in a few hours time. They called from Saudi not too long ago. I kinda miss them all. Cant wait to skype with them once they get back.

Nothing has been happening since my last entry. Seemingly, i've been poignant and stressed out at everything cause i have NOTHING to do! Imagine, i'm craving for work and something to do. What i do is, wake up really late, sleep at the sight of sun rise and of course, eat breakfast at 4pm in the evening! hahaha. I live practically worse than a bat. Call me batman. blergh.

Tomorrow, I'd like to start my week with a more productive scene. Rather than just dozing off in my VERY comfy bed (in winter, mind you).. I'd be well away doing my designs and some freelance work. Darn it. The website's up, but i haven't filled it up that much. I've got to find things to do. Interesting things.

I asked Sam, my lecturer if i could take up a second elective, PHOTOGRAPHY or STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHY. He insisted that i'd die by the time assessments were to come. So okay. He thinks it'll be abit TOO MUCH. But i agree too. But when ELSE can we do such a thing? Only in Uni will I be able to explore and learn. No? But yeah. Lets not define limits. I'll try and see how heavy this sem is. And i might just try and head on with the second year's photography group. I'll see what happens.

Anyway, should get to bed now. It's getting rather late. A note to myself! I need to CUT my hair. If not cut, at least trim it. My hair's been an annoying piece of thing on me. I was thinking of just letting it grow. But no. I think i give up. I might keep the length. but i need it neat and properly cut. It's been 5 months since my last hair cut. Can you imagine. hahahahha

Ok then, off I go.


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