Saturday, 28 November 2009

Lompat Lebih Tinggi

Hi all. Hope you're all doing good. I apologise for not updating recently. Been really busy with my work. As you all know, parents have been around for two weeks. They flew back to Malaysia last monday. As we speak, my brother is en route to Birmingham from Dubai. Can't wait!

Anyway it's been a brilliant journey. I was kinda depressed for a bit through the weeks. It was really heavy. A burden i don't think i could explain in words. But Alhamdulillah Allah hasn't given up on me. Syukur.

Apart from that it's been wonderful. Now am working on 4-5 briefs at the same time. Got two done. Need to get the others done QUICK. So i'll post something soon ok? :)

Take Care! And EID MUBARAK. AIDIL ADHA to all Muslims around the world. May our sacrifices have a great meaning to us all.


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