Friday 4 April 2008

Geert Wilders Speaks: Anti-Koran Film (Part 1 of 2)

hmm i find him a true bastard.. :) ada ke patut.. dia kata islam drastically bodoh.. sabar je la.. yg orang2 kau tu.. minum arak jadi mabuk.. gays.. prostitutes.. sodomy... what the hell? siapa yg cakap pasal siapa..?

oh and kata kita suka bunuh agama lain.. nyehh..?? siapa yg tembak palestine bertubi2 and dapat tanah lebih...?

mad and annoyed >:(


Nota Matahati said...

Hilmi, you really sounds annoyed! I'm annoyed too. Ade ke patut. But I think we shouldn't be too mad with them la. Diorg takde iman. Tu yg ckp mcm2 tu. Kalau pandai mcm mane pun, tp takde iman, tak gune jugak.

Our faith, our love. We need to protect it. That's the only thing that we have to guide us. Kalau takde iman/faith, alamatnye hidup takde hala tujuan la. Mabuk, prostitute, gay, Britney Spears. Mintak jauh la umat Islam drp jadi mcm tu..

Hilmi Ramlan said...

hmm betul2.. :) ye lar.. mana i tak geram..suka hati nak kutuk rasul kita sekali.. kutuk agama and diam dah la.. :) tapi betul cakap u..

hm we need to protect what we were told to protect for our own sake.. iAllah sama2 kita lakukan ;)

david santos said...

Excellent posting, Hilmi!
Thank you.

To avoid such a tragedy happening again, and for the salvation of our children, we are doing a worldwide campaign, displaying the image of NURIN JAZLIN JAZIMIN in blogs all over the world on 25th April 2008. Let's not forget NURIN JAZLIN.

Hilmi Ramlan said...

hi David.. thank you for visiting the blog and commenting.

Yes i appreciate it.

Nurin Jazlin was from my country. Malaysia.

It is sad to know what happened to her. :( may she be safe up in Heaven :)

regarding the post above, it's just some people tend to get on my nerves and just boils up too many bland ideas to create conflicts.

thanks again

gracias ;)