Saturday 9 May 2009

Double Double

Wait.. that makes four. Argh.

Tomorrow's my brother's birthday. And guess what, it's also Mother's day.

Oh my.

Anyway, Want to wish ilham a HAPPY birthday and may Allah bless him in his life. :)

these might be around 2001-2004. hmm how things have changed.

wait nothing has. hahaha! we're still that crazy. sigh.. i love my family.

to mama,

you're the best. No one else. enough said. u deserve no less than the best. Your Love, Sacrifice and Dedication means the world to me.

I love u guys.

p.s: the images are a collection of so many years. i can't even recall. hahaha.


Ilham said...

MUST YOU POST THAT PICTURE O.O.............THE ONE AT PARIS O.O........Ada belamba lagi,yang tu jugak nak =.="

Hilmi Ramlan said...

hahahahaah!! yes yes yes.. i MUST! lol...

ctjuliana said...

chantek la ur mum..
every mums in d world are beautiful..:))