Wednesday 28 January 2009

We are guests...

In the holy land, Mekkah Al- Mukarramah and Madinah Al- Munawwarah, people who come and go are guests of Allah.

Sometimes, we are 'invited' with such a silent call. It's obviously up to us to go OR not to go. Alhamdulillah, please be to Allah, my family consisting of papa, mama, syakirah and ilham will start their journey tomorrow from Kuala Lumpur to Jeddah. And onwards to Madinah. And after three nights they will head on to Mekkah.

MasyaAllah, prayers have been answered and we shouldn't stop praying. Allah loves those who make doa. And insyaAllah I'll be making alot of them in the near future.

For those who do not know, this 'trip' is called UMRAH. Which literally means VISIT. They've done their first visit. I was with them. Oh yes. I won't be joining them this time around. For my location and situation is quite complex. I wish I could've. It would've been wonderful. But nonetheless, we are only GUESTS of Allah the all-knowing and all-mighty. Always a reason why to how things turn out. MasyaAllah.

Umrah is where, unlike Hajj go to the holy land to VISIT the place and do Ibadah or religious activities such as prayers, doa, tawaf or going around the Kaa'bah and Saie', going from the Safa poin to Marwah end. To others it's just a few meters walk. But in the faith, it's more than JUST a walk in the park.

So i Pray to Allah s.w.t., this time around with my family being more aware, more in tuned and more 'ready' to head to the Masjidil Haram and Al Nabawi. May they find what they seek in their hearts. May they find the truth which they want. May they find peace and serenity in their hearts InsyaAllah.

All a brother and son could do, is watch from a far, and pray for their safety, health and peace.



Sarah Yasmin Azizan said...

This piece of writing really means a lot.. Let's pray for all of your family members arrive there safely and go through the process of umrah safely and peacefully, inshaallah... amin~ =)

p/s: semoga mama doakan amy dapat jodoh yang baik..hihi :D

Hilmi Ramlan said...

thank you so much min :) means alot to me. Well yeah. I do hope what i hope for. And i am honest with what i say :) insyaAllah.

yes please... doa2 kan utk emi jugak :P hahahha