Thursday 16 April 2009

It's come to that

First off, nearly all of my photo collections from end of 2008 till now are missing. Due to iPhoto's 'smart' features. It hurts so badly. But insyaAllah i'll be able to find it somewhere somehow.

Anyway, it's not a good time in the world right now. Not in mine at least. Knowing that it won't be an easy ride. It'll be quite bumpy as i've imagined.

I pray to Allah, that we are lifted from this heavy burden and hope that Ya Rabbal Alamin would ease us with our burdens.

Murahkan la rezeki hamba-hamba mu ini. Aku mohon kepadamu ya tuhanku. Aku-lah hambamu yang lemah.

" Mintaklah dan doalah. Dan AKU akan kabulkan."

