Monday 9 March 2009

Maulid Rasul

Peace be upon the greatest man on earth.

Ya Rasulullah.

Many would remember their wedding anniversary.

Many would celebrate their birthdays with friends.

Some would go on a night on drinks that you know poisons you.

Some, tonight would gaze into mindless lights flashing around in
secluded areas, hoping not to be found.

Some put on aggregated faces in hopes they can get on with partying
and their lusts.

Certainly there are those who sneak out of bed JUST to go to clubs and


How many of us, sneak out of bed, to thank Allah for sending us a
saviou tonight?

How many of us would BOW DOWN with your mind and intelligence be put
lower than your bottom and thank Him for sending Muhammad s.a.w ?

I love him. He with Allah's rahmat showed us the way of life. The way
of Al Islam.

I remember a scene where Rasulullah was facing death, the pain was
tormenting. Yet he insists that he wants the Angel of Death not to
torment his Ummah for we won't be able to handle it.

The angel couldn't do it. And the thought that Rasulullah wanted us
NOT to feel the pain, saddens me. He instead wants EVERYONES pain be
for him. Subhanallah. And still many forget to thank him.

When was the last time u gave selawat to the prophet?

Salam Maulidur Rasul

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