Thursday 5 March 2009

Isi Hati

Antara Cinta, dan keinginan untuk memiliki.

kata-kata yang sangat menusuk di hati. Dipetik dari Ayat-Ayat Cinta, I believe so much in the term above. We rarely see sometimes, what we WANT and what we NEED.

Between Love, and the wanting to own.

It frantically explains why people have bad relationships, screwed marriages and so on. I'm being really frank here. It's always about the true honesty that lies in your heart. Never about what you are. The thing that makes you who YOU are is growing deep inside.

In wanting something/someone, we tend to forget our PURPOSE. Purpose always fades when comes infatuation and ego. Men tend to always think of their pride and wants rather than needs.

Hahaha what am i saying. I'm being overly analytical with such a simple subject. It's just like eating scampi with fries. As simple as that! The momentum raised here is that, we tend to forget why we love. And why we look for that special someone.

When we look inside ourselves, what is it that we want? I'd say fame, fortune and lots more! But that's on the surface. Covering but only the general view of wants. But when i look deep inside. Like the Indonesian's famous saying " AKU BUTUH" or I WANT and NEED. It's so perplex. Confusing that i'm getting lost myself.

I'd like a shot at it. But when i do, it just goes wrong. I do admit faults and take in criticism well. Somehow, i still feel somewhere somehow lost. But whatever it is, the one thing i am not weary of, is of Allah's guidance. When my forehead touches the ground, in all humility, i ask for guidance, direction and opportunity.

All in all, i really do miss having to love someone rather special. Or being loved by. I wonder how it feels. It's been awhile now. It kinda makes me ponder on the reasons of this want. The economic theory of demand and supply comes up in my head. There's a demand. I wonder if there's a supply?


Only He knows.

I wonder when this solitary life would come to a halt. I'm not that very honestly. I do have my loved ones around me. But somehow, i miss that tender loving care.

Where art thou?


Anonymous said...

유유~ nice post

Hilmi Ramlan said...

thanks bro :)