Friday 20 March 2009


It feels like it's been so so long since the last time i was home. Though only 7 months ago, i feel like it's been more. It's pretty depressing. And knowing that you have to stay strong to keep it up. Not only to keep it up, but to also be darn good at what you're doing really takes it out of you. Truly.

When you have your mind set, no matter what you say, you're only human.

I know it's rather cliche, but birds remind me of flight. And flight reminds me of home.

I love photographing birds. Not that i'm good at it. I agree. But i just love it. Passion for it just creates this sense of home in me. I just felt as though Winter was just last week. But now it's spring. Alhamdulillah 7 months have past. Just the next few miles to run. InsyAllah with pride and humility.

The freedom of these creatures really remind me of home. Though some take, being overseas as a form of freedom from parents. I don't want to be free of my parents. Why would I? I just love them too much. Heck, i love my whole family.

The sun shined without worry.... why didn't we?

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