Tuesday, 2 October 2007

A route in mind...

Too faint the skies today shed.
Too blown the whites of clouds arise.
Could it be winter knocking on ms.Autumn's door?
Today was really beneficial to me.Learned lots of new things at Uni. I learned also that University of Central England is changing names now. It is officially called :

Source: www.uce.ac.uk ; background done with pshop.


What say you to the name? Pretty catchy eh? Might be a good idea too! They are going to spend about Pound 250 million on refurbishing and what not. That's what the Vice Chancellor released to us recently. Good luck to everyone in the process!

Today was Theoretical and Historical Studies. Learned about how we should be alert in looking out for character or elements in advertisements. These elements lead to sub elements. Thus, creating a chain reaction of great impact. Manliness, beauty, sacred mysticalism and what not. All these come into play and back on one another.

David Haden is my seminar lecturer. He gave the seminar topics today. It was interesting. Saw Henri Cartier Bresson's, Henri Toulouse Lautrec, De Stijl and many more topics. I gladly chose Lautrec. I'm just wondering whether it was the right choice or no. But hey, God must've gave me that choice for a reason eh? Good enough reason for me to work on that topic.

As an overview, Toulouse was a poster designer. Designed for the couture and posh streets of France way back then. I did my retro work on him, when i was in Tay Guan's class. Was a fun activity actually. Enjoyed it lots.

the road ALWAYS travelled

Anyway, walked back home. After the usual bus trip. So something caught my eye. A road that led to the parking lot. But at a different angle, it was a beauty. Want to see? Well there we have it!


That's me, a sudden take by Shah. Thanks alot. Spare me the embarassment. Shah is a good friend of mine in Uni. Met him a few weeks ago. A local. Very creative. Yet very distinguished. Owns a design firm. ALREADY? haha. well his dad built it for the family. Good that he's running it now.

Voila! Succulent beef with healthy pasta & vege's.

So yeah, THAT ladies and gents, WAS my dinner. Hehehe. Not much. Im still feeling hungry now. Hahaha. It was a piece of steak. With some vegetable pasta. Very easy to cook. Yet a hassle to clean. ahhaa.. what's not? haha

Bought my ticket online today. WIth help from Old Man. Eh sorry. Prakash. Hahahha joking man. hahha ;) Going down on the 12th of October for EID with Kak DD.

Ok then, have things up for tomorrow. Salam to all.

Hilmi Ramlan


emi said...

salam hilmi
you dinner sure looked tempting to me...itu baru tgk belum lagi rasa..huhu..at first glance...dah buat kak emi rasa lapar...adehhhh...diana ckp the pasta you made that night mase pot luck ngan kawan2 was seriously tasty...hmmm i should try it one day...kene share recepi ni..hehe..or probably because of the love that you had while cooking it....makanan ni kalau kita masak ikhlas and with love..mmg sedap..that's moms food are always the best sbb they cook with love...

Hilmi Ramlan said...

salam kak emi,
haha yeah betul gak tu. The ultimate recipe to good food would be mum's secret. Passion and Love =)

hehe ada laaa belajar sikit2 dari mama. Tapi nak suruh masak Laksa. Kuay Teow Ladna. Ampun bebanyak laa.. Hahaha

Pasta hari tu? Haha. Hmm actually. was to our surprise. Memang sedap pun! hhehe bukan cakap apa. Memang everything was good. alhamdulillah

Thanks kak emi for dropping by.