Tuesday 5 February 2008

Rome part II

Above is the french alps. Photographed from a few thousand feet above land :D

Below is where the famous Raphael Sanzio was buried after serving the Vatican. This place here is in the Pantheon. Right in the heart of Roma.

This trip reminded me of how civilization came about. How history is repeating itself. How mankind turns foolish and rejects traditional ideas. Greed of gold. and such :)

The trip was a really memorable one with my two mates. =)


h i t a m p u t i h said...

waduh..bagus banget foto2 kamu sich..
thumbs up!!!

weh ajar aku cakap indonesia weh..haha

Luna Askar said...

Untungnya kamu bisa bahasaku.
English aku not well..hehehe..

Aku suka foto.
Aku suka simpan semua foto dari teman-temanku.
Kalau menarik, suka aku tampil dimanapun.

Foto kamu bagus - bagus tapi kadang aku yang stupid mengartikan dari english ke indonesia.

Kamu lagi OL ???

Luna Askar said...

Aku kuliah jurusan Jurnalistik.
Bahasa kerennya sekarang mass comunication.
Ada pelajaran fotografi.
Tapi aku nggak bisa.
Disuruh cari law of third aja salah mulu..hehehe..

Aku suka lihat foto-fotonya.
Bagus ya !!!

h i t a m p u t i h said...

woi..demam ke..eceh2..demam rindu r tu..rindu kat sape ?...eheh...nice pics nyway...u take care..cepat sembuh~~!!!!