Monday 11 February 2008

new semester

And a new term starts. University now begins anew for me and lots of us. Semester two of the Visual Communications Course. :) am really delighted hehehe.

anyway, have not been updating myself with the blog. recent events that occured made me pause and not want to speak about much to everyone.

yesterday, i met a very nice lady. Datin Yurni was her name. She was amazing. the things she taught me. the tips and tricks she gave me. and of course, the things i have to look out for as a designer. 

new haircut!!

well, as to our conversation, we were talking alot about the world of graphic design, printing and also employment. I'd have to agree with her points of discussion. Whereby, she thinks that many do not know their targets and goals in doing what they do best! true? untrue?
a crappy way to start my post, yes i'd agree. but hey!.. let the old dog run for a few miles aitte? :P hehehe..

tomorrow, atuk is going to have an operation. something to do with his knee and spinal cord. again?!. man.. he suffers alright. :( all please pray it'll all be alright ;)

life has been silent yet productive i would say. have been spending time with lots of friends. met new ones. and acquainted the people i have always wanted to know more :D

my God, i've been going to the gym. haha i cant believe myself. my 2008 resolution. to respect the body Allah has given to me :) have been working out and got myself sick. haha demam lar!! hehe. well, i got a fever even before i registered for the gym.. hmm must've been lack of sleep that time.

anyway, had a hair cut on friday. man, now i look like a standard one kid!.. papa and mama must really enjoy the haircut im having now. argh! haha :P

i miss home. i miss my family. i miss everyone. 

i pray hard so that whilst im here, all will be valid and accountable for. :) insyaAllah. Results will be out for my composition and text and image modules this thursday and friday. Do pray for the best thanks ;)

Hilmi R


h i t a m p u t i h said...

aku pun pernah rasa haircut aku truk n serabai giler..It's fugly (fucking ugly)..
But two of my classmates said i looked ok. OK? OK? Yeah rite. The classmates (which are male) one seated next to me and another, right opposite my desk. We're pretty close lah, they practically witness my daily drama. Probably they said it coz they juz wanna be nice to me. I guess they couldn't handle me in green monster suit (incredible hulk) if i ever hear any negative feedback.haha(gurau) I did ask another frens about my haircut, he responded with "Ha? Ye ker? Tak perasan pun? It looked the same to me." Bloody hell! I hate men for having the ability to slip out of their mind on minor details. But why they wanna care anyway, the best answer they could give, and they could get away with it easily would always be this magical line "U look cool no matter what." BULLSHIT!

And you gonna say the same line over and over again.
I just had a bloody haircut and u still have the heart to say i look ok no matter what.
imagine if I just had my nose pierced and it's bleeding and u say i look ok no matter what.
I just squeezed out the biggest volcanoes (pimple) on my chin and u said i look pretty no matter what.
I just had to wear a green slipper which doesn't match the whole outfit (red) coz one of the shoe is missing and u said i still look pretty no matter what. I looked like a bloody italian flag!

*Major drama queen alert off*

Ok, back to my haircut story. I even had nightmare about my hair during my sleep at night. Thought that i walked into the classroom and everybody pointed at my hair and chanted UGLY, UGLY, UGLY. Ok, i exegerrate on the nightmare bit. Probably I was imagining things. Coz to me it's ugly. Probably u just have to give it some time. Try to get use to the new hairsytle.

Hilmi Ramlan said...

wakakakakakkakakaka... im actually laughing my arse off wei!! hahahahhhahahah drama gile... :P hahahhaha

so far, the hair cut is alright.. hmm just that, it's a tad too short. HEHE.. but it's growing now :) it looks alright :) thanks for the drama....i mean... comfort mate ;)