Friday 29 February 2008

beginning of a new March..

MA! Emi gosok gigi tau!! hahaha :P
it has been 6 months since i've been in the UK.. hmm cant believe it's been that long :)
cant wait for the whole three years to pass by...

today, i felt a sense of humiliation in front of a few groups of people. damn it.. it was painful.. due to a sales speech. haih..takpe la..takut pulak orang tu nanti tgk aku punya blog ni..haih....
neways.. am watching American Idol now..hahaha :P jangan marah hehhee.

This weekend im gonna be spending time for myself and do little doodles for my Persuasion :)
anyway... will post more tomorrow :)


Hilmi R

1 comment:

Nota Matahati said...

Man, what did you do to that pic??? So cool la! Teach me, teach me!!