Friday 18 January 2008

Into the New World..... :P

A new song given to me by a good friend(cough....cough) of mine. From the other end of the world we communicate and such. Thanks mate.

I've been working on my composition work.
 And still, i am not that happy with it. It looks too simple. YET! it has such a strong NOT MADE UP concept about it. Will post it up someday.

Below is me and my sister Syakirah Ramlan. I love her till death do us apart. Wallah I swear to Allah i will take care of her and of course my brother if it takes my life into account.
Brotherhood is someting where people tend to lack these days. They call themselves brother and sisters but they do not have that quality to lead nor to be a role model.

I remember how my sister usually asks me. Abang, how does this go? Why is this like that?

i'd answer her with the most truth. Unlike some who would just prance and say "go and find out yourself!". Some don't even tend to reply. Keeping the sibling lost at bay.

Syakirah, my sister is a potential person is lingual departments. She has strong features i tell you that. Smart. Cunning. but still lack of knowledge and needs to be guided. Somehow we'll be there to help her out ;)

Nothing much happened today. It was all just work and work. Went for Jumaah prayers just now. Missed the khutbah. Haih.....

Anywho, will post again soon! :)
Hilmi R


h i t a m p u t i h said...

weh nnt aku antar lagi lagui best hahaha...

nice entry anyway..teringat lak kat adik ^^

Hilmi Ramlan said...
