Thursday 18 September 2008

From the book itself..

Today's Jum'ah Khatib, spoke of husband and wife. Directly from the Quran itself;

excerpt from Surah Al-Baqarah
Ayat 187

" Permitted to you, on the night of the fasts, is the approach to your wives. They are your garments and ye are their garments."

The interesting part about this ayat which struck me was. How Allah swt has put into words a subtle yet deep meaning of words.

Garments. Pakaian in malay. A husband is the wife's garment. The wife is the husband's garment. What is the purpose of a garment if i may ask?

an item of clothing

Garments are used for/to:

PROTECT us from the heat/cold/wind/etc
In other words, to warm us up during winter. To cool us during summer. You get the idea.

Prettify ourselves
Everyone loves to look adorable, handsome, pretty and nice. So is the duty of the husband/wife. They need to make each other look beautiful by covering their aurat. Aurat ie: Things not meant to be seen. Im not talking in literal means here. As in, face hands and etc. Im talking of the metaphorical concept of it. Everyone has their 'bad' side right? So im sure someone needs to cover it up with something good so that people wont talk bad about it and etc.

These two are some of what i can remember from today's lecture at the mosque. :) i find it really astonishing!

I learned something new today :)


Anonymous said...

waa...bgus2..belajar something jgk eh..

tp hilmi budaks lagi...hahahahaaha^^

Hilmi Ramlan said...

ehh apa maksud u budak? :P haahhaha