Saturday 27 December 2008

A snappy holiday

heyya. My oh my. I've taken so many photographs, that im so lazy to have a look at them and bother to upload. hahahaha.

I've uploaded a part of the Paris photos on my flickr though. It's still uploading whilst i do this. Hmm tomorrow, i'm leaving for Bicester. Kak fida and Lubi are doing a 'makan2' for us at their place. Seemingly, their house is just a stone throw away from Bicester Village. I think i posted something about it before. It's a village where branded goods are sold. BUT at a cheaper price. It's last season's stuff. But heck. I care? no i dont. i love some of the stuff they had. I'm sure i'll pick up somethng tomorrow.

Speaking of picking up, i picked up a nice cardigan from Tommy Hilfieger, the ONLY thing i spent on Boxing Day. hahahahah funny. Cost me about 60 quid it did. Painful. But really warm. I could wear it to class and at home :D

London's next on sunday. A whole four day trip with my brother. Planned up quite alot of things. Was thinking if we can even get IN the Madame Toussauds this time. I wonder.

Busy busy as a babbling bee...... i need to catch up on my sleep. I've been waking up early. Rising shine in the morning. I shouldn't. I just turned 20 a month ago. And i'm sleeping proper. That's not right. Blargh!

Oh and we bought a few games for the PC today. Assassin's Creed is the bomb! Though, they could saman the main character's voice. For being so 'reading the script' voice. Ergh... Oh and the highlight of today!!! As the picture above hints, we went and watch the Aston Villa vs. Arsenal game today. It was at the Villa Park. Seated at M1 Doug Ellis stand, we saw everything crisp and clear. Got about 300 shots of the game. hahahahha crazy!!!

Anyways, it's clocked at 2.45 now. Gonna head to bed. The air bed that is. It IS comfortable u know. When u have a nice comfy comforter of course ;)

good night!!


1 comment:

coratcoret said...

best x assasin tu?
teringin la pulak nak main...