Monday 28 July 2008

Ilham's Go-Kart ROTAX Race

Petronas Formula Xperience 2008

Petronas Formula Xperience 2008 - Car 11 - ILHAM RAMLAN

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ROTAX    2008------------

Was a great sunny day for round of tires screeching along the PLUS speedway. I'd say there was at LEAST 50 go-karts that day. Participants from all over Asia and some from Europe as well.

Kart 3 - Muhammad Ilham Ramlan

Why this special event? My brother was in it. Unfortunately, he didnt finish his race due to some major accident occuring at turn 1 first round. Where another driver somewhat impude or unintentionally took a sharp right and cut across Ilham's no.3 Kart. 

Enough said bout the whole competition. I suppose sometimes, we have to learn, no matter who we are. The games of motor-sports. Win or lose is of no matter. But of what we've learned.

Leading the race

I was quite sad though that he didn't actually took heed of us whilst we were there. Me, papa, mama, ira and my cousin Azrin. Unfortunately, i felt personally sad that he didn't want to pay attention to us. 

In my heart, i had to have patience. I couldn't just rush through. Papa always say, it's part of a learning process. Let him do what he thinks is right. He might then learn hard. But LEARN.

I suppose. that's what he's good at. Advice. Hmm papa has always been telling me to be patient with the only brother i'll ever have. but then again, it just hurts me so bad. All the kilometres away i came to see him drive a kart, and he didnt even take notice of our support there? I'm sure he has his reasons but then. Maybe?

Unseen would be the ego these drivers have on the road. It is good. But they shouldn't bring it to the people around them. As a brother i would advice him, in hopes he'd read all this. But then, if he doesn't he'll know someday.

All i want is that he does well in what he's good at. Doing something that is just fun and exhilarating is amazing and great, but if it doesn't bring food to the table someday, it wont matter to the world anymore.

An advice to all brothers out there. Be patient. And put EGO aside. I believe there is such thing as abstinence in proving someone's mistakes?

I myself am still new at this. But for our sake, i try my best :)

I hope my brother will do better in the future. And if Allah wills, InsyaAllah he'll succeed. But remember, SUCCESS and HAPPINESS is nothing when you don't have your family beside you.

I'd rather enjoy a day out with my family than spoil myself in riches and entertainment. I'd rather. :)

But personal preference they say. Enough bout that.

Till next time!


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