Tuesday 3 June 2008

Zen and Design

I was reading a very interesting article up on the web a few minutes ago. Was regarding Job's, Gates and Zen. 

Job's is from APPLE. Gates from MICROSOFT. and Zen is the ultimate balance in Japanese living.

Putting together what they've written, i would best put it to this quote.

" Simplicity means the achievement of maximum effect with minimum means"
-Dr. Koichi Kanawa

Simple to understand. Is it not? :)

Basically, in lay-man's terms, we should try and use minimal means and try to catch the bigger fish ;)

based on this, i believe that even the world of design is supported by this. Look at the best design piece of software and product. APPLE. How simple can u get?

Easy access and customer relief is what designs should take form as. Also, to further give a hit to this, Randy Pausch's book; the Last Lecture , gave a huge remark on how simple things should be invented!

The simple it is. The easier to understand. We aren't doing things for Einstein. Right?

To then conclude this, i think i've quite applied the Zen terms on my designs. Except for my digital art. :P somewhat, they NEED to look that drastic hahaha.

What do you think? 

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